Our Practice

DR K.M Matjila MB (ChB Medunsa (2001) FC Psych (SA) (2010))
I'm a healthcare practitioner, specialising as a Psychiatrist, Medicolegal and Forensic work based in both Krugersdorp & Parktown, Gauteng, South Africa, i trained in Medunsa(undergraduate) and Wits(Postgraduate)then worked at Sterkfontein hospital and runs a private practices in Johannesburg. I have extensive experience in dual-diagnosis treatment and the management psychiatric disorders.

My Aproach

In psychotherapy I offer an open and supportive space in which to explore and understand life’s challenges, with a view to encouraging people to be their most authentic selves and to hear and follow their own inner guidance.

Mental health conditions are physical conditions affecting the brain – the physical organ through which we perceive, understand, and respond to our world (please see “brain development and mental health” for more information). Medication plays an important role in the treatment of serious mental health conditions.

Nobody would expect themselves to “work through” and solve other physical conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis or appendicitis! Yet we often have the attitude that we should be able to resolve conditions which affect the brain, such as depression and anxiety, on our own. And then we may go on to berate ourselves and feel shame when we can’t overcome them.

Where the use of medication is involved, I prefer to have a collaborative approach. I offer my knowledge and expertise and aim to find the best possible treatment plan for each individual. Ideally, medication should allow for the best possible quality of life, with the fewest side-effects.

I provide comprehensive medical care for all aspects of adult medicine, including acute and chronic illnesses. Specializing in preventative, diagnostic and treatment services offered across the spectrum of adult medicine. In addition, I’m experienced and specially trained to solve complex diagnosis problems and treatment of a variety of uncommon illnesses.

I see people for psychotherapy and I treat a range of mental health problems, including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and adult attention deficit disorder. I have extensive experience in identifying and treating psychiatric conditions which co-exist with addiction.

Dr Matjila directly provides for both emergency and long-term, direct psychiatric treatment. We provide a full range of psychiatric services including individual outpatient psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, medical biofeedback training and
referral for hospitalization when necessary. Your care will not be delegated to non-medically trained psychiatric nurses or physician assistants.

Here to help

My aim is to help you make sense of difficult experiences and life issues. These can be confusing and stop you from having meaningful relationships

Areas of Mental Health I specialise in treating:

I focus on treating the patient, not just the disease. A dedication to excellence is evident in every aspect of our practice, from prevention to diagnosis and from treatment to follow-up care. The highest level of quality and concern is made possible through our philosophy of compassionate and personalized care using the latest technological advances available. For these reasons, patients travel to visit our provider from all over the area.
Individuals from all walks of life can, at some point, benefit from mental health and psychiatric services. Whether you are dealing with life-long depression, Adult ADHD, situational anxiety, our goal at Johannesburg Psychiatric practice is to get you the help you need in order to get better.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 18.30
Saturday: 10.30 - 16.30
Sunday: 10.30 - 16:30